7836 | Val Trupchun: Vegetationskartierung Gebiet 4 | GPS Data | File (digital) | Huwiler, I. | 2009 | SNP |
27594 | Pilzvorkommen, Fundliste der Begehungen im SNP 2013 | Database/Datatable | None | Fluri, H. | 2013 | SNP |
50502 | Supplementary data 1-12 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Blattner, L., Ebner, J. N., Zopfi, J., von Fumetti, S. | 2021 | SNP |
33836 | Archivdatensatz: Vegetation map Trepp Campell - vectorized version | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 1968 | SNP |
27619 | Orchids 2012 Orchideeninventar 2012 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Wartmann, B. | 2012 | SNP |
8490 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Historische Transportwege | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
28047 | TBT33 Bartgeier | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
7760 | Daten Diplomarbeit Steinböcke ibex M. Theus | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Theus, M. | 2006 | SNP |
6813 | Forstliche Versuchsflächen Burgerflächen: Standorte (poly) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bachofen, H. | 1925 | SNP |
27775 | TBT11 Paläontologie: Fundorte Fossilien | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
33839 | Archivdatensatz: Hallimasch from Vegetation map Trepp Campell | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
7891 | Steinbiotope: Steinstrukturen und Trockensteinmauern | GIS Vector Layer | None | BVM | 2010 | BVM |
6864 | Molluscs SNP: Location observation plots, Untersuchungsgebiete | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
8336 | Subregions, Pilot Region The southwestern Alps - Mercantour Alpi Marittime | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7738 | Vegetation Composition 2007 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Iravani, M | 2007 | SNP |
7425 | CSI Indicator Land Use Planning, The southwestern Alps - Mercantour Alpi Marittime | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
33834 | Archivdatensatz: Vegetation Map Zoller Clipped to SNP boundary (Zollerkarte) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
38705 | Data on hunting and wildlife management in the EUSALP region | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | FIWI, GIS_SNP | 2019 | SNP |
5632 | Transect lines of Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
8276 | CSI Indicator Fragmentation, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
5845 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Stretta | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
30649 | Orchids 2014, Orchideeninventar 2014 BVM | Database/Datatable | None | Wartmann, B. | 2014 | BVM |
8331 | Patch Cohesion Index, Mercantour | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
5650 | Vegetation Map Zoller Clipped to SNP boundary (Zollerkarte) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
38473 | Ungulate niches Trupchun, diet | Database/Datatable | None | Anderwald, P. | 2015 | SNP |
39550 | Flowers | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Dekoninck, L. | 2007 | SNP |
8145 | CSI Indicator Land Use, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
6737 | Cover and vegetation structure grid cells Stabelchod | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Schütz, M. | 1997 | SNP |
8264 | CSI Indicator Ecological Measures, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
28089 | TBT39f Murmeltiere: Baue 2012 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
6089 | Coverage of localization of deers during observation nights (posts) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
28066 | TBT39d Schneehase und Alpenschneehuhn: Datenvergleich Höhe Schneehase und -huhn | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
7474 | CSI Indicator Edge Density, Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8209 | Edge Density, Salzburg, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
6088 | Coverage of the footpath posts on Stabelchod | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
5848 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Buffalora | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
8820 | Generalisierte Lineare Modelle - Corridor Designer | Database/Datatable | None | Funke, M. | 2012 | SNP |
27932 | TBT30 Brachypodium: Kolonien Stabelchod | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | B. Krüsi | 2012 | SNP |
8342 | CSI Indicator Fragmentation, The southwestern Alps - Mercantour Alpi Marittime | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
6910 | Data Productivity 2007-2021 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Schütz, M. | 2007 | SNP |
28093 | TBT66 Kleinsäuger: Fänge 2012 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Müller, J. P: | 2012 | SNP |
6698 | Location Lichen Flechten plots | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
8092 | Pilot Region Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
34934 | Archivdatensatz: Observations of rock partridges from the Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
8321 | Effective Mesh Size 1, Isère | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
29913 | Artenvielfalt von Bergfettwiesen, GIS Data | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Radtke, A. | 2014 | BVM |
8089 | Edge Density, Salzburg | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
5476 | Deckungsgrad, gruppierte Klassen (aus: Pilotprojekt automatische Klassierung LB2000: Bodenbedeckung der automatischen Klassierung ) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ / SNP | 2003 | SNP |
39546 | Aboveground productivity | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Langenegger, A. | 2004 | SNP |
54431 | Locations of Survey locations for the Red List of Fungi update 2024. | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Blaser, S., Gross, A., Treindl, A., Vlcek, P., Medici, E. | 2024 | SNP |
27963 | TBT89 Bodeninvertebraten | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
27928 | TBT30 Brachypodium: Gesamtübersicht Kolonien | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | B. Krüsi | 2012 | SNP |
28091 | TBT39f Murmeltiere: Entwicklung Kolonien Stabelchod und Alp la Schera 1964-2011 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
34843 | Archivdatensatz: Location Lichen Flechten plots | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
28058 | TBT39c Steinhuhn und Alpenkrähe: Anzahl Beobachtungen Steinhuhn 1979-2011 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
8213 | Edge Density, Kaernten | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8205 | Patch Cohesion Index, Southtyrol, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27956 | TBT89 Bodeninvertebraten: Beprobungsstandorte | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
8666 | Orchids 2011 Orchideeninventar 2011 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Wartmann, B. | 2011 | SNP |
27843 | TBT22 Biodiversität: Tagfalter SNP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
5864 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Waldareal | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
28029 | TBT80 Vögel: Beobachtungen Tannenmeise 1997 God la Schera (maximale Dichte) | GIS Vector Layer | None | Vogelwarte | 2012 | SNP |
28025 | TBT80 Vögel: Daten Bestandsentwicklung | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Vogelwarte, Müller, M., von Hirschheydt, J., Zbinden, N | 2012 | SNP |
7832 | Lychen: Data 1922 - 1937 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Frey | 1937 | SNP |
6083 | Polygons of certain vegetation type | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
8686 | Vegetation map Trepp Campell - vectorized version | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 1968 | SNP |
53727 | Ungulates / Huftiere - Sommerzählung - Rohdaten | Database/Datatable | None | SNP | 1991 | SNP |
8148 | CSI Indicator Topography, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7728 | Anzahl kluppierte Bäume Naturwaldreservate: Data 1977-1994 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Brang, P. | 2009 | SNP |
8278 | CSI Indicator Land Use, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
34939 | Archivdatensatz: Bird observation points of ornis project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
8655 | HABITALP - Center point coordinates of the aerial photographs | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2008 | SNP |
7274 | Fish Population Macun Monitoring Programme: Locations | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2008 | SNP |
53874 | Soundlogger Data Ofenpassstrasse - Klassifizierung und Visualisierung | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Novàk, M., Guggisberg, B., von Felten, T. | 2023 | SNP |
7729 | Karte Bauminventar 1990 | Map (analog) | File (digital) | Scheurer, T. | 1990 | SNP |
33937 | Archivdatensatz: HABITALP - Effective perimeter of the mapped habitats of HABITALP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2008 | SNP |
8482 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Alpgebäude | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
8339 | CSI Indicator Ecological Measures, The southwestern Alps - MercantourAlpi Marittime | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
6861 | Mollusces: Data 1916 and 1980ies | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Wüthrich, M. | 1983 | SNP |
6970 | Location: Development of seedings on embankments in the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS SNP | 2009 | SNP |
54415 | The influence of wild ungulates on forest regeneration in the Swiss National Park | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Fluri, J. | 2023 | SNP |
5860 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Schettas | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
34840 | Archivdatensatz: Location LWF: Installations | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kräuchi, N. | 1995 | SNP |
35750 | Modellkonzept Heckenlandschaft Val Müstair, Qualität der vorhandenen Hecken | Map (digital) | None | Trifolium, BVM | 2016 | BVM |
8277 | CSI Indicator Infrastructure, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
10266 | Bats inventory Swiss National Park - Bats data - Bat call records Batlogger | Database/Datatable | None | N. Santer | 2013 | SNP |
8442 | Bird observation points of ornis project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
28073 | TBT39a Hühner: Nachweise 1979-2011 mit Höhenwert | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
6073 | Observation locations of red deer (recorded during the night) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
5858 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Plavna | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
8271 | CSI Indicator Population, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
53094 | Linking species turnover to plant functional traits on mountain summits in the Swiss National Park - data | Database/Datatable | None | Djabarow, S. | 2023 | SNP |
50501 | Appendix 1-7 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Blattner, L., Lucek, K., Beck, N., Berner, N., von Fumetti, S. | 2021 | SNP |
28052 | TBT39h Falken | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
8279 | CSI Indicator Land Use Planning, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
28045 | TBT33 Bartgeier: Tantermozza: Horste, Knochenschmiede, Schlafplätze | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | D. Jenny | 2012 | SNP |
6727 | Location: Ornithologische Dauerbeobachtung | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
8835 | Jungwald Datenbank SNP | Database/Datatable | None | Bruellhardt, M. | 1991 | SNP |
28018 | TBT39i Kreuzotter: Beobachtungsdaten Ursenbacher | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | S. Ursenbacher | 2012 | SNP |
27851 | TBT64 Waldvergleich: Daten Untersuchungsfläche DBF 005 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Brang, P. | 2012 | SNP |
8846 | Salzlecken Trupchun und Mueschauns, Standorte | GIS Vector Layer | None | Niederberger, J./ Bruellhardt, M. | 2012 | SNP |
8338 | CSI Indicator Cohesion, The southwestern Alps - MercantourAlpi Marittime | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7536 | Patch Cohesion Index, Tyrol, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7956 | Bestandeserhebungen Schneehuhn Munt la Schera. Population survey rock Ptarmigan Munt la Schera | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | SNP | 1994 | SNP |
28043 | TBT33 Bartgeier: Horste Alpen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | D. Jenny | 2012 | SNP |
8201 | CSI Indicator Edge Density Classification Table | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27957 | TBT85 Flechten: Flechtengrösse: Mittelwert der fünf grössten Thalli 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | J. Raper | 2012 | SNP |
39551 | Seedbank | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Dekoninck, L. | 2007 | SNP |
53726 | Ibex / Steinbock - Frühlingszählung - Rohdaten | Database/Datatable | None | SNP | 1987 | SNP |
7575 | Monitoring Macun, Zoobenthos | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Robinson, C., EAWAG | 2001 | SNP |
7341 | Diss. Holzgang: Location Fences | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Holzgang, O. | 2008 | SNP |
28069 | TBT39d Schneehase und Alpenschneehuhn: Alpenschneehähne Munt la Schera 1994-2011 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
27980 | TBT67 Tagfalter: Sektoren Pictet | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
10268 | Bats inventory Swiss National Park - Map habitat model bats | Map (digital) | None | N. Santer | 2013 | SNP |
33935 | Archivdatensatz: HABITALP - Perimeter of the Swiss National Park (used for mapped area of habitalp) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2008 | SNP |
34346 | Die Heuschreckenfauna des Val Müstair in Abhängigkeit der Höhenstufe und Nutzung der Habitate | GIS Vector Layer | None | Aussieker, T. | 2016 | BVM |
33844 | Archivdatensatz: Location of the photographical Forest survey by Kurth in 1957 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS SNP | 2009 | SNP |
7295 | Fish Population Macun: Craw content 2003 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Rey, P. | 2003 | SNP |
6082 | Center points of GRID plot (20 x 20 m) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
27849 | TBT64 Waldvergleich: Untersuchungsflächen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
8332 | Edge Density, Mercantour | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8228 | Patch Cohesion Index, Isère | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
5849 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:30000: Restwald | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
28077 | TBT39d Schneehase und Alpenschneehuhn: Nachweise Schneehuhn mit Höhe 1979-2011 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
28035 | TBT80 Vögel: Beobachtungen Waldbaumläufer 1997 Stabelchod (maximale Dichte) | GIS Vector Layer | None | Vogelwarte | 2012 | SNP |
28016 | TBT76 Spinnen: Fangstandorte Trupchun mit Artverteilung | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
8265 | CSI Indicator Edge Density, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
6738 | Vegetation Ant mounds Ameisenhaufen Grid Stabelchod | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Schütz, M. | 0 | SNP |
38475 | Ungulate niches Trupchun, habitat use | Database/Datatable | None | Anderwald, P. | 2015 | SNP |
7535 | Edge Density, Tyrol, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8534 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Historische Beweidungsflächen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
7538 | Patch Cohesion Index, Lombardy | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8387 | Effective Mesh Size 1, Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8658 | HABITALP - Effective perimeter of the mapped habitats of HABITALP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2008 | SNP |
28042 | TBT39g Steinadler | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
34846 | Archivdatensatz: Location: Moss monitoring plots | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS SNP | 2009 | SNP |
38474 | Ungulate niches Trupchun, group counts | Database/Datatable | None | Anderwald, P. | 2015 | SNP |
8808 | Seltenheitsliste - Rare species list | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 1979 | SNP |
8378 | CSI Indicator Land Use, Isère | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8208 | Patch Cohesion Index, Salzburg, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8207 | Edge Density, Southtyrol, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
54708 | Drone DJI M350 Mingèr Borkenkäfer (Flug 1) | Aerial Photo | None | Rossi, Ch. | 2024 | SNP |
33934 | Archivdatensatz: HABITALP - Center point coordinates of the aerial photographs | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2008 | SNP |
6954 | Location LWF: Installations | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kräuchi, N. | 1995 | SNP |
5459 | Deckungsgrad (aus: Pilotprojekt automatische Klassierung LB2000: Bodenbedeckung der automatischen Klassierung) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ / SNP | 2003 | SNP |
52588 | GEOTag der Natur 2022 in Vnà/Ramosch - Fledermäuse im Val Sinestra Engadin | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Peter, J.-R. | 2022 | PTE |
38472 | Ungulate niches Trupchun, census size | Database/Datatable | None | Anderwald, P. | 2015 | SNP |
27874 | TBT23 Hochjagd | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
27943 | TBT79 Carex: Anzahl Horste der immergrünen Segge pro m2 auf Stabelchod | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Yu, F. H. | 2008 | SNP |
7841 | LiDAR Campaign 2002 SNP - Multipoints 3D of last pulse data | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Ch.Schmid | 2010 | SNP |
27916 | TBT65 Sukzession im Wald: Daten Abb. 65: Modell der zukünftigen Entwicklung der SNPWälder: Artenzusammensetzung der Baumschicht | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | A. Risch | 2012 | SNP |
33837 | Archivdatensatz: Vegetation map Trepp Campell | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
27927 | TBT30 Brachypodium | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
7741 | Vegetation composition Il Fuorn, Grimmels, La SChera, Stabelchod and Chanels 2004 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Langenegger, A. | 2004 | SNP |
34829 | Archivdatensatz: Location UWIWA-Fences or Exclosures | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Abderhalden, W., Kt. Graubünden | 1992 | SNP |
7424 | CSI Indicator Land Use, The southwestern Alps - Mercantour Alpi Marittime | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
6060 | Nachts auf Stabelchod (Diploma): Maps | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Eliane Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
5844 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Arpiglia | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
7140 | Forstliche Versuchsflächen Burgerflächen: Standorte (points) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bachofen, H. | 1925 | SNP |
35182 | Pilzvorkommen, Fundliste der Begehungen im SNP 2016 | Database/Datatable | None | Fluri, H. | 2016 | SNP |
5852 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Clastra | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
7833 | Data Vegetation observation forest fire area Il Fuorn 1958-1988 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Trepp, W. | 1988 | SNP |
8486 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Schürfstellen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
8267 | CSI Indicator Fragmentation, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7874 | Location Spawn depression mapping | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
7542 | Patch Cohesion Index, Southtyrol, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
5467 | Vegetationskarte des Schweizerischen Nationalpark; Nationalparkforschung in der Schweiz; Band 11, Heft 58 | Map (analog) | None | E. Campell, W. Trepp | 1968 | SNP |
27960 | TBT89 Bodeninvertebraten: Vergleich der Gliederfüsser-Gemeinschaften in Kurz- und Magerrasen | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Schütz, M., Raschein, U., Risch, A. | 2012 | SNP |
5630 | Pixelkarte 50 Swisstopo 2.Juli.2001 LK259 Waldton binaer 01 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 0 | SNP |
34839 | Archivdatensatz: Landesforstinventar LFI Monitoring: Standorte SNP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Brassel, P. | 1985 | SNP |
27676 | Orchids Orchideeninventar SNP | Database/Datatable | None | Wartmann, B. | 2010 | SNP |
8327 | CSI Indicator Edge Density, Isère | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27920 | TBT62 Verbiss: Daten Verbiss und Waldverjüngung | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | M. Brüllhardt | 2012 | SNP |
34264 | Carte de la végétation de la région de Macun | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Favre, Bogdan, Wietlisbach, Wanda | 2016 | SNP |
54680 | List of Saprolific Beetle observations collected within the SNP/ Liste von Totholzkäfer-beobachtungen | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Huber, B., Wild, R., Szallies, A. | 2022 | SNP |
51325 | Marmots seen from observation sites with repetitions (same marmot seen from several observation points) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Buchmann, S. | 2022 | SNP |
28072 | TBT39a Hühner: Auerhuhnvorkommen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | AJF | 2013 | SNP |
8281 | CSI Indicator Topography, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
51906 | Uhu-Präsenz via Soundlogger | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | SNP | 2022 | SNP |
34932 | Archivdatensatz: Observations of rock ptarmigan from the Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
34261 | Einfluss von Huftieren auf die Entwicklung der Vegetation im Schweizerischen Nationalpark. Eine Untersuchung mit Dauerzäunen | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Mösch, L. | 2016 | SNP |
7484 | CSI Quality Index, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8380 | CSI Indicator Population, Isère | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7889 | Vernetzungsprojekt Val Müstair - Biotope | GIS Vector Layer | None | Ch.Schmid | 2010 | BVM |
54678 | Saprolific beetle: Sampling locations within the SNP/ Totholzkäfer: Probenahmestellen innerhalb der SNP | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Huber, B., Wild, R., Szallies, A. | 2022 | SNP |
8845 | Verbissdaten, raeumliche Darstellung | GIS Vector Layer | None | Bruellhardt, M. | 2012 | SNP |
28044 | TBT33 Bartgeier: Aussetzungsorte | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | D. Jenny | 2012 | SNP |
28060 | TBT39c Steinhuhn und Alpenkrähe: Entwicklung ackerbaulich genutzte Flächen Ardez, Tarasp, Ramosch 1940-1970; Gruppengrösse Alpenkrähen | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
5636 | Forest Map Kurth | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 2000 | SNP |
28031 | TBT80 Vögel: Beobachtungen Heckenbraunelle 1999 God la Schera (maximale Dichte) | GIS Vector Layer | None | Vogelwarte | 2012 | SNP |
8269 | CSI Indicator Land Use, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27985 | TBT38 Kerbameisen: Nester 1984-2012 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Freitag, A., Cherix, D., Maeder, A., Bernasconi, C. | 2013 | SNP |
8334 | Effective Mesh Size 2, The southwestern Alps - Mercantour Alpi Marittime | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8329 | CSI Indicator Fragmentation, Isère | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
53860 | Plant Phenology Monitoring Data: Sites - Parameters - Observations | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Cruickshank, S. | 1994 | SNP |
28023 | TBT80 Vögel: Kartenseite 2 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
41969 | Horststandorte | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2020 | SNP |
8660 | Raw Data Trees Alp La Schera | Datafile from Producer | None | Bigler, C. | 1997 | SNP |
28034 | TBT80 Vögel: Beobachtungen Bergpieper 2001 Munt la Schera (maximale Dichte) | GIS Vector Layer | None | Vogelwarte | 2012 | SNP |
7954 | Data Bird observations Vogelbeobachtungen | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Vogelwarte | 1980 | SNP |
31162 | Verteilung Gams, Steinbock, Rothirsch 1997 - 2013 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Schweiger, Anna-K. | 2014 | SNP |
27992 | TBT84 Waldameisen: Exposition und Hangneigung der Waldameisennester | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
8087 | Edge Density, Berchtesgaden | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8382 | Patch Cohesion Index, Niederösterreich | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
33843 | Archivdatensatz: Original scan of the Vegetation map Trepp Campell | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
34827 | Archivdatensatz: Exclosures SNP: Locations | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2008 | SNP |
8318 | CSI Indicator Topography, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
28046 | TBT33 Bartgeier: Produktivität von alpenweiten Brutplätzen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | D. Jenny | 2012 | SNP |
8535 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Gerodete Flächen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
28090 | TBT39f Murmeltiere: Murmeltiernachweise 1980 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP, CSCF | 2012 | SNP |
8768 | Aufnahme Böschungsansaaten Klötzli 1969 - 2010 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Guesewell, S. | 2010 | SNP |
28078 | TBT39d Schneehase und Alpenschneehuhn: Nachweise Schneehase mit Höhe 1979-2011 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
7294 | Fish Population Macun: Drift 2005 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Rey, P. | 2005 | SNP |
5619 | Ungulate observations on the wildfire area Il Fuorn: Extensive observation schema | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 1989 | SNP |
6079 | Points that reference structures on the grassland | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
8379 | CSI Indicator Land Use Planning, Isère | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8657 | HABITALP - Flight lines of the aerial photograph airplane | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2008 | SNP |
6076 | Geometry of the cottage on the Alp Stabelchod (observation post) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
34933 | Archivdatensatz: Observations of black woodpecker from the Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
33979 | Archivdatensatz: Cover and vegetation structure grid cells Stabelchod | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Schütz, M. | 1997 | SNP |
32791 | Makroozoobenthos SNP HYDRA 1996-2015, Probenahmen | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | HYDRA, Mürle, U. | 2015 | SNP |
6984 | Rohdaten aktive Dauerflächen - Raw Data monitoring plots in use | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Schütz, M. | 1917 | SNP |
8481 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Abbaugruben | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
33929 | Archivdatensatz: HABITALP - Summary map of the habitat areas of the project HABITALP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2008 | SNP |
54762 | Grafische Darstellung der beobachteten positiven und negativen Fälle von Gamsblindheit zwischen 2003 und 2024 im SNP | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Buchmann, S. | 2024 | SNP |
38476 | Ungulate niches Trupchun, horn growth | Database/Datatable | None | Anderwald, P. | 2015 | SNP |
33806 | Archivdatensatz: Forest Map Kurth | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 2000 | SNP |
28095 | TBT66 Kleinsäuger: Eingnungsmodellierung Rötel- und Feldbaus | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Müller, J. P: | 2012 | SNP |
27783 | TBT26 Waldgeschichte: Standort Bohrungen Pollenprofile | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
5517 | Waldbestandeskarte Susch | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kantonale Verwaltung Graubünden, ALSV | 0 | SNP |
28398 | Ungulate Monitoring Swiss National Park - Data model description | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Ch.Schmid | 2014 | SNP |
34928 | Archivdatensatz: Observations of black grouse from the Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
8270 | CSI Indicator Land Use Planning, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8386 | Edge Density, Steiermark | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7890 | Vernetzungsprojekt Val Müstair - Projektperimeter | GIS Vector Layer | None | Ch.Schmid | 2010 | BVM |
7356 | Bearded Vulture Monitoring Programme: Location | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 1978 | SNP |
27941 | TBT79 Carex: Borst- und Blaugrashalden | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
7792 | Data Pot Plants observation 1990 - 2009 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Scheurer, T. | 1990 | SNP |
5637 | Raster version of the Vegetation map Trepp Campell | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
7203 | HABITALP - Perimeter of mapped areas in the region of Swiss National Park and Val Müstair | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
8333 | Effective Mesh Size 1, The southwestern Alps - Mercantour Alpi Marittime | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
28051 | TBT39h Falken: Nachweise Turmfalke | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
6913 | Locations Stüssi Flächen, botanische Dauerbeobachtung | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
6899 | Rothirschbestand Kt GR, 1987 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Allgöwer, B. | 1987 | SNP |
51326 | Marmot Observations | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | | 1992 | SNP |
54420 | Millipede species - location of the sampling points | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Gilgado, J.D. | 2019 | SNP |
27884 | TBT23 Hochjagd: Raumverteilung Rothirsche Hochjagd Trupchun 1997, 1998, 2010, 2011 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
5862 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Vaueglia sur | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
34838 | Archivdatensatz: Location: Forest reserves Leibundgut Matter | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS SNP | 2009 | SNP |
8263 | CSI Indicator Cohesion, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
34819 | Archivdatensatz: Observation Plots for butterflies | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Pictet, Besson, Bouchard Macherez, Pasche | 0 | SNP |
6084 | GRID that shows the stage (in years) in the succession model | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
7534 | Patch Cohesion Index, Trento | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
39767 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Kartenprojekte | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
53625 | Neobiota Daten bis 2022 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | SNP | 2022 | SNP |
5657 | Grid Version of the digitized Vegetaion Map Zoller (Zollerkarte) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Zoller, H. | 0 | SNP |
37122 | Heckengebiete | GIS Vector Layer | None | Trifolium, BVM | 2016 | BVM |
34824 | Archivdatensatz: Eagle Monitoring Programme: Perimeter | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Filli, F. | 0 | SNP |
29914 | Artenvielfalt von Bergfettwiesen, Tables and R-Scripts | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Radtke, A. | 2014 | BVM |
39549 | Biomass | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Dekoninck, L. | 2007 | SNP |
7142 | Landesforstinventar LFI Monitoring: Standorte SNP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Brassel, P. | 1985 | SNP |
8260 | Effective Mesh Size 2, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
34927 | Archivdatensatz: Observations of Capercaille from the Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
54880 | Neuroptera-Funde im SNP | Database/Datatable | None | Duelli, P., Koch, B. | 2024 | SNP |
31165 | Verteilung Gams, Steinbock, Rothirsch 1997 - 2013 Height Differences | Database view | File (digital) | Schweiger, Anna-K. | 2014 | SNP |
7661 | Spawn depressions upper Spöl, GPS-survey points | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2014 | SNP |
27902 | TBT25 Baumarten: Baumarten nach Brunies | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
6077 | Location for every observed red deer | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
28017 | TBT39i Kreuzotter: Kladen Graubünden | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
27935 | TBT79 Carex: Verbreitung immergrüne Segge Grid Stabelchod | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
27990 | TBT84 Waldameisen: Weide mit vielen Waldameisennestern | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bernasconi, C., Cherix, D., Maeder, A., Freitag, A. | 2012 | SNP |
27982 | TBT67 Tagfalter: Fundorte Pictet | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
27854 | TBT64 Waldvergleich: Daten Untersuchungsfläche Gian d'Alva | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Brang, P. | 2012 | SNP |
54709 | Drone DJI M350 Mingèr Borkenkäfer (Flug 2) | Aerial Photo | None | Rossi, Ch. | 2024 | SNP |
5859 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Sampuoir | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
27991 | TBT84 Waldameise | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
7856 | Val Trupchun: Vegetationskartierung Gebiet 3 | GPS Data | File (digital) | Huwiler, I. | 2009 | SNP |
27954 | TBT85 Flechten | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
27921 | TBT62 Verbiss | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
30453 | Fehlende Verjüngung im Lärchenwald bei Valchava | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Grass, Lea | 2014 | BVM |
6085 | Polygons of certain vegetation types (visible part) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
8214 | Effective Mesh Size 1, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7537 | Edge Density, Lombardy | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
34913 | Archivdatensatz: RBA: Location of catches | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
8284 | Edge Density, Alpi Marittime | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8330 | CSI Indicator Infrastructure, Isère | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7482 | CSI Indicator Topography, Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8212 | Patch Cohesion Index, Kaernten | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8283 | Patch Cohesion Index, Alpi Marittime | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
54942 | Evaluation of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) home ranges on the basis of two methods in the Swiss National Park | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Schorta, C. | 2020 | SNP |
8266 | CSI Indicator Environmental Protection Int. Protected Areas, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8385 | Patch Cohesion Index, Steiermark | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
43144 | Samenkasten / Data Seedling Boxes Trupchun - entfernt 2021 (inkl. Bilder) | GIS Vector Layer | None | Abderhalden, W. | 2021 | SNP |
28010 | TBT51b Fische | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
34910 | Archivdatensatz: Location Productivity Monitoring Plots | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
27774 | TBT11 Paläontologie | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
27852 | TBT64 Waldvergleich: Daten Untersuchungsfläche DBF 1 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Brang, P. | 2012 | SNP |
7855 | Data Moss permanent plots 1958 - 1991 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Ochsner, F., Geissler, P. | 1991 | SNP |
7426 | CSI Indicator Population, The southwestern Alps - Mercantour Alpi Marittime | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
34931 | Archivdatensatz: Observations of Aegolius funereus from the Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
8343 | CSI Indicator Infrastructure, The southwestern Alps - Mercantour Alpi Marittime | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8007 | CSI Quality Index, The southwestern Alps - Mercantour Alpi Marittime | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27914 | Location of the observation plots of forest succession by A. Risch | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | A. Risch | 2006 | SNP |
8326 | CSI Indicator Ecological Measures, Isère | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8088 | Patch Cohesion Index, Salzburg BGD-SBG | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
35751 | Modellkonzept Heckenlandschaft Val Müstair, Massnahmen | Map (digital) | None | Trifolium, BVM | 2016 | BVM |
28033 | TBT80 Vögel: Beobachtungen Bergpieper 1996 Munt la Schera (minimale Dichte) | GIS Vector Layer | None | Vogelwarte | 2012 | SNP |
27944 | TBT79 Carex | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
8663 | Raw Data Trees Stabelchod | Datafile from Producer | None | Bigler, C. | 1997 | SNP |
7813 | Data UWIWA 1991-2008 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Abderhalden, W., Amt für Wald | 2009 | SNP |
34907 | Archivdatensatz: Dauerbeobachtungsflächen für Brutvögel auf Muottas Champlönch: Standorte | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS SNP | 2009 | SNP |
28039 | TBT39g Steinadler: Horstbelegung SNP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
27958 | TBT85 Flechten: Beprobte Flächen Macun 2008 - 2011 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | J. Raper | 2012 | SNP |
8261 | Pilot Region Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
5471 | Waldform, vertikal (aus: Pilotprojekt automatische Klassierung LB2000: Bodenbedeckung der automatischen Klassierung ) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ / SNP | 2003 | SNP |
28063 | TT39c Steinhuhn und Alpenkrähe: Brutorte Alpenkrähen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
7354 | Eagle Monitoring Programme: Perimeter | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Filli, F. | 0 | SNP |
8262 | Subregions, Pilot Region Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
28055 | TBT39a Hühner | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
7544 | Subregions, Pilot Region Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8322 | Effective Mesh Size 2, Isère | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27994 | TBT76 Spinnen | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
10240 | Landschnecken SNP-VM, Aufnahmestandorte | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | B.Baur | 2013 | SNP |
37174 | Carex: Lokalisation Einzelhorste immergrüne Segge Fläche Il Pra Stabelchod 2018 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2018 | SNP |
34828 | Archivdatensatz: Diss. Holzgang: Location Fences | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Holzgang, O. | 2008 | SNP |
50636 | Formica: Matrix, Mound Counts, Mounds | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Morger, A. | 2022 | SNP |
35663 | Lärchenkarte Engadin | GIS Raster Layer | None | Rossi, Ch. | 2017 | SNP |
8491 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Bannwald | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
7479 | CSI Indicator Land Use, Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7385 | Stichprobennetz Trupchun | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | diverse | 2006 | SNP |
7027 | Makroozoobenthos SNP HYDRA 1996-2015 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | HYDRA | 2015 | SNP |
8865 | Refoto: Historic Photo Ofenpass, Val Müstair (Forstbotanische Expedition 1902) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Muret-Forel, Ernest | 1902 | SNP |
31163 | Verteilung Gams, Steinbock, Rothirsch 1997 - 2013 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Schweiger, Anna-K. | 2014 | SNP |
7851 | Overview locations Lychen observation plots | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Frey, E | 0 | SNP |
28022 | TBT80 Vögel: Kartenseite 1 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
5697 | Pixelkarte 25 Swisstopo 1998 Region SNP: Waldton binaer | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
8211 | Edge Density, Tyrol, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27970 | TBT86 Wasserinsekten: Beprobungsstandorte Aubert | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
6775 | Data Red Deer Stabelchod | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Maggini, R. | 1999 | SNP |
5647 | Observations of rock Ptarmigan from the Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
27769 | TBT9 Vegetationskartierung | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
7423 | CSI Indicator Land Use, The southwestern Alps - Mercantour Alpi Marittime | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27856 | TBT64 Waldvergleich | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
5627 | Pixelkarte 25 Swisstopo 1998 Region SNP Waldton | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
27596 | Aquatic insects findings, 2011 - 2012 springs SNP | Database/Datatable | None | Knispel, S. | 2012 | SNP |
28094 | TBT66 Kleinsäuger: Fänge 1930-2010 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Müller, J. P: | 2012 | SNP |
7798 | Data Seedling boxes. Daten Samenkasten Il Fuorn 1953-1995 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Scheurer, T. | 1953 | SNP |
8537 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Historische Holzschläge | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
8272 | Effective Mesh Size 2, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
33928 | Archivdatensatz: HABITALP - Mapped habitat areas of the project HABITALP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2008 | SNP |
5642 | Observations of rock partridges from the Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
28040 | TBT39g Steinadler: Reviere 1978-1990 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
27987 | TBT38 Kerbameisen: Entwicklung der Nesterzahl Kerbameisen Il Fuorn | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Freitag, A., Cherix, D., Maeder, A., Bernasconi, C. | 2012 | SNP |
8268 | CSI Indicator Infrastructure, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7541 | Edge Density, Southtyrol, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27986 | TBT38 Kerbameise | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
27989 | TBT84 Waldameisen: Nester Waldameisen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bernasconi, C., Cherix, D., Maeder, A., Freitag, A. | 2012 | SNP |
27906 | TBT25 Baumarten Kartenseite 2 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
27905 | TBT25 Baumarten Kartenseite 1 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
31153 | Ungulate Monitoring Swiss National Park - GPS data 2014 | Database/Datatable | None | Schweiger, Anna | 2015 | SNP |
7473 | CSI Indicator Cohesion, Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27912 | TBT27 Totholz: Punktuelle Totholzfunde ausserhalb des Waldes | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
27899 | Seltenheitsliste - Rare species list: für den Atlas bereinigt Tierarten 03152012 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
7438 | Wassermilben: Data and Documentation | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Bader, C. | 0 | SNP |
7892 | The role of females in red deer matings: Data | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Bebie, N. | 2004 | SNP |
5474 | Schlussgrad (aus: Pilotprojekt automatische Klassierung LB2000: Bodenbedeckung der automatischen Klassierung ) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ / SNP | 2003 | SNP |
54425 | Lichen observations, Macun | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Scheidegger, C. | 2024 | SNP |
34826 | Archivdatensatz: Vegetation Variability: Locations of exclosures | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Camenisch, M. | 2008 | SNP |
27933 | TBT30 Brachypodium: Daten ABb. 75 und 76: Entwicklung Anzahl Kolonien 1950-2010 und Entwicklung Durchmesser Kolonie 3 1943-2012 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | B. Krüsi | 2012 | SNP |
8821 | Generalisierte Lineare Modelle - weighted overlay | Database/Datatable | None | Funke, M. | 2012 | SNP |
34266 | Datatables de la végétation de la région de Macun | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Favre, Bogdan, Wietlisbach, Wanda | 2016 | SNP |
7727 | Aushiebcode Naturwaldreservate: Data 1977-1994 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Brang, P. | 2009 | SNP |
7540 | Patch Cohesion Index, Lower Engadin | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
34929 | Archivdatensatz: Observations of birds from the Ornis Project (summarizing data set 1991 - 1994) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 1991 | SNP |
28062 | TT39c Steinhuhn und Alpenkrähe: Beobachtungen Steinhühner | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
8656 | HABITALP - Perimeter of the Swiss National Park (used for mapped area of habitalp) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2008 | SNP |
27161 | Wildpunkt All KML-Files | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | H.Haller | 2013 | SNP |
27977 | TBT77 Heuschrecken | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
8487 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Triftklause | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
54679 | Temperature data collected at Saprolific beetle sampling points/ Temperaturemessungen bei Totholzkäfer-Probestandorte | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Huber, B., Wild, R., Szallies, A. | 2022 | SNP |
7539 | Edge Density, Lower Engadin | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
33805 | Archivdatensatz: Digitizing problems based on the forest map Kurth | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
27975 | Trophic Cascade: Locations | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
50500 | List of specimens with sampling data, voucher museum IDs (Natural History Museum of Basel) and the sequence accession numbers | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Blattner, L., Gerecke, R. & von Fumetti, S. | 2019 | SNP |
33835 | Archivdatensatz: Raster version of the Vegetation map Trepp Campell | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
33833 | Archivdatensatz: Vegetation units of the SNP and the neighborhood (Zollerkarte / Vegetation Map Zoller) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 1994 | SNP |
6087 | Coverage of the footpaths crossing the grassland Stabelchod | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
34941 | Archivdatensatz: Rothirschbestand Kt GR, 1987 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Allgöwer, B. | 1987 | SNP |
8084 | Orchids 2010 Orchideeninventar 2010 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Wartmann, B. | 2010 | SNP |
7034 | Location: Forest reserves Leibundgut Matter | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS SNP | 2009 | SNP |
28036 | TBT80 Vögel: Beobachtungen Misteldrossel 1998 Stabelchod (maximale Dichte) | GIS Vector Layer | None | Vogelwarte | 2012 | SNP |
8539 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Waldeigentum | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
28074 | TBT39a Hühner: Auerhähne 2000-2009 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
27940 | TBT79 Carex: Magerwiesen SNP | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
28048 | TBT33 Bartgeier: Anzahl wildgeborener Bartgeier im Alpenraum 1997-2012 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
28037 | TBT33 Bartgeier: Beobachtungen pro km2 (GR) 1987-2012 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bartgeiermonitoring | 2012 | SNP |
8694 | Landschaftsbewertung Regionaler Naturpark Val Müstair - Pläne | Map (digital) | File (digital) | GIS BVM, SNP | 2009 | BVM |
7352 | Survey Points Fish Population Macun | GPS Data | File (digital) | SNP | 2005 | SNP |
28032 | TBT80 Vögel: Beobachtungen Steinschmätzer 1997 Munt la Schera (minimale Dichte) | GIS Vector Layer | None | Vogelwarte | 2012 | SNP |
8538 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Nutzungsintensität | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
8662 | Raw Data Trees Champloench | Datafile from Producer | None | Bigler, C. | 1997 | SNP |
34345 | Die Heuschreckenfauna des Val Müstair in Abhängigkeit der Höhenstufe und Nutzung der Habitate, Datenlisten | Database/Datatable | None | Aussieker, T. | 2016 | BVM |
7477 | CSI Indicator Fragmentation, Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
53747 | Soundscapes | Surveying Data | File (digital) | SNP | 2017 | SNP |
28003 | TBT51b Fische: Stromschnellen Ardez | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
33977 | Archivdatensatz Seedbank grid cells Stabelchod | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Schütz, M. | 2006 | SNP |
7533 | Edge Density, Trento | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
34817 | Archivdatensatz: Forstliche Versuchsflächen Burgerflächen: Standorte (poly) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bachofen, H. | 1925 | SNP |
33830 | Archivdatensatz: Scans of original Vegetation Map Zoller / Zollerkarte (GDB) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Zoller | 1978 | SNP |
37185 | Carex: Beschreibung Horste immergrüne Segge Fläche Il Pra Stabelchod 2018 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | SNP, Krüsi, ZHAW | 2018 | SNP |
27160 | Wildpunkt map for publication | Map (digital) | None | H.Haller | 2013 | SNP |
6081 | Visibility of Alp Stabelchod | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
54378 | Analyse der Veränderung des Tagesverlaufs räumlicher Verteilungen - Eine Fallstudie mit aggregierten Beobachtungsdaten von Huftieren im Schweizerischen Nationalpark | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Hermann, D. | 2012 | SNP |
5673 | Potential distribution of song birds (Ornis Project) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 2000 | SNP |
5773 | Observations of black grouse from the Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
8340 | CSI Indicator Edge Density, The southwestern Alps - MercantourAlpi Marittime | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
33980 | Archivdatensatz: Vegetation Ant mounds Ameisenhaufen Grid Stabelchod | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Schütz, M. | 0 | SNP |
6718 | Location of the photographical Forest survey by Kurth in 1957 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS SNP | 2009 | SNP |
5472 | Waldform (aus: Pilotprojekt automatische Klassierung LB2000: Bodenbedeckung der automatischen Klassierung ) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ / SNP | 2003 | SNP |
39547 | Aboveground standing crop | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Langenegger, A. | 2004 | SNP |
7893 | Karten Wildbericht Engadin Val Müstair | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Amt für Wald GR | 2007 | SNP |
6912 | Location Productivity Monitoring Plots | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
34942 | Archivdatensatz: Rehbestand Kt GR, 1987 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Allgöwer, B. | 1987 | SNP |
8384 | Edge Density, Niederösterreich | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8141 | CSI Indicator Edge Density, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27845 | TBT22 Biodiversität: Artenvielfalt Tagfalter SNP | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
28054 | TBT39a Hühner: Höhenverteilung der Nachweise von Auer- und Birkhuhn im Ofenpassgebiet und am rechten Talhang des Engadins | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
5857 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Murtaroel | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
5669 | Observations of Aegolius funereus from the Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
8323 | Pilot Region Isère | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8139 | CSI Indicator Cohesion, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8844 | Stichprobenpunkte Waldverjuengung Verbiss Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | None | Bruellhardt, M. | 2012 | SNP |
5475 | Deckungsgrad der Rasengesellschaften (aus: Pilotprojekt automatische Klassierung LB2000: Bodenbedeckung der automatischen Klassierung ) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ / SNP | 2003 | SNP |
27901 | TBT25 Baumarten: Legföhrenbestände dissolved | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
6901 | Rehbestand Kt GR, 1987 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Allgöwer, B. | 1987 | SNP |
6726 | Location: Moss monitoring plots | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS SNP | 2009 | SNP |
43175 | Chamois | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Anderwald, P. | 2021 | SNP |
7835 | Val Trupchun: Vegetationskartierung Gebiet 2 | GPS Data | File (digital) | Huwiler, I. | 2009 | SNP |
8273 | CSI Indicator Cohesion, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
54399 | Wildverbissaufnahmen im Engadin - Vergleich des Wildverbisses in Ivraina und Il Fuorn | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Feusi, M. | 2021 | SNP |
34265 | GIS data de la végétation de la région de Macun | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Favre, Bogdan, Wietlisbach, Wanda | 2016 | SNP |
27971 | TBT86 Wasserinsekten: Beprobungsstandorte 2011-2012 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
31166 | Verteilung Gams, Steinbock, Rothirsch 1997 - 2013 Differences Vegetation | Database view | File (digital) | Schweiger, Anna-K. | 2014 | SNP |
6858 | Waldwachstumsforschung Auswertung: 14.01.09 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Zingg, A. | 2009 | SNP |
8144 | CSI Indicator Infrastructure, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8337 | Subregions, Pilot Region The southwestern Alps - Mercantour Alpi Marittime | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7365 | Exclosures SNP: Locations | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2008 | SNP |
8488 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Verhüttungsanlage | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
8090 | Effective Mesh Size 1, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27785 | TBT26 Waldgeschichte | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
7291 | Fish Population Macun: Population 2003 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Rey, P. | 2003 | SNP |
7543 | Pilot Region Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
6812 | RBA: Data 1999-2007 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Obrist, M. | 2009 | SNP |
6956 | Location LWF: Paths | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kräuchi, N. | 1995 | SNP |
6757 | Data Brutvögel auf Champlönch | Database/Datatable | Paperwork | ? | 1989 | SNP |
28088 | TBT39f Murmeltiere | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
34841 | Archivdatensatz: Location LWF: Paths | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kräuchi, N. | 1995 | SNP |
8180 | CSI Indicator Environmental Protection Int. Protected Areas, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8204 | CSI Indicator Population Classification Table | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
33938 | Archivdatensatz: HABITALP - Habitat map of the complete Habitalp region, Swiss National Park and Val Müstair | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2013 | SNP |
8085 | Patch Cohesion Index, Berchtesgaden | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7340 | Vegetation Variability: Locations of exclosures | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Camenisch, M. | 2008 | SNP |
54246 | Wildbienen in Hochstamm-Obstgärten im Unterengadin - Wildbienen-Erhebung 2021-2022 - Arten pro Teilfläche | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | div. | 2023 | PTE |
8670 | HABITALP - Summary map of the habitat areas of the project HABITALP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2008 | SNP |
7576 | Monitoring Macun lakes, diatoms | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Robinson, C., EAWAG | 1975 | SNP |
37905 | Im Feld gemessene morphologische Pflanzeneigenschaften (Functional traits: Specific leaf area, Vegetation height, Leaf dry matter content) von Graslandarten im Schweizerischen Nationalpark, Unterengadin und Val Müstair | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Rossi, Ch. | 2017 | SNP |
6785 | RBA: Location of catches | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
32505 | GEOTag der Artenvielfalt 2015 Biosfera Val Müstair - Fangdaten Kleinsäuger | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Bündner Naturmuseum, Müller, J.P. | 2015 | BVM |
8280 | CSI Indicator Population, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7478 | CSI Indicator Infrastructure, Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
5856 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Mora | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
8151 | DEM Classification Table | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
35749 | Modellkonzept Heckenlandschaft Val Müstair, Aktuelle und historische Verbreitung | Map (digital) | None | Trifolium, BVM | 2016 | BVM |
5740 | Observations of pygmy owls from the Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
6075 | Boundary of the subalpine grassland Stabelchod | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
27981 | TBT67 Tagfalter | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
6860 | Molluscs 2009 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Capt, S., Rüetschi, J. | 2009 | SNP |
7427 | CSI Indicator Topography, The southwestern Alps - Mercantour Alpi Marittime | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
5629 | Pixelkarte 50 Swisstopo 2.Juli.2001 LK259 Waldton | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 0 | SNP |
5649 | Vegetation map Trepp Campell | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
28056 | TBT39a Hühner: Anzahl Birkhähne im Ofenpassgebiet 1991-2011 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
27620 | Orchids 2013 Orchideeninventar 2013 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Wartmann, B. | 2013 | SNP |
7483 | CSI Quality Index, Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27842 | TBT22 Biodiversität: Verteilung der Artenvielfalt der Tagfalter in der Schweiz | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Biodiversitätsmonitoring Schweiz | 2012 | SNP |
27961 | TBT89 Bodeninvertebraten: Zusammensetzung Bodenfauna | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Schütz, M., Raschein, U., Risch, A. | 2012 | SNP |
35748 | Hecken | GIS Vector Layer | None | Trifolium, BVM | 2016 | BVM |
5750 | Forest colour extraction from PK25 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | | SNP |
8540 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Flächen mit hist. Holznutzung | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
6090 | Coverage of the main game passes | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
27939 | TBT79 Carex: Einzelhorste immergrüne Segge Fläche Fe1 Stabelchod | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
34845 | Archivdatensatz: Molluscs SNP: Location observation plots, Untersuchungsgebiete | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
28030 | TBT80 Vögel: Beobachtungen Heckenbraunelle 2006 God la Schera (minimale Dichte) | GIS Vector Layer | None | Vogelwarte | 2012 | SNP |
34923 | Archivdatensatz: Location: Development of seedings on embankments in the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS SNP | 2009 | SNP |
30426 | Habitalp-Kartierung Schweizerischer Nationalpark und Val Müstair, Perimeter | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP, BVM | 2014 | BVM |
5846 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Bescha Tarasp | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
28015 | TBT39i Kreuzotter: Kladen Europa | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
33978 | Archivdatensatz: Vegetation composition Grid Stabelchod | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Schütz, M. | 1998 | SNP |
7480 | CSI Indicator Land Use Planning, Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
34937 | Archivdatensatz: Transect lines of Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
28004 | TBT51b Fische: Schonstrecke | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
10270 | Bats inventory Swiss National Park - Basis map of transects | Map (digital) | None | N. Santer | 2013 | SNP |
41242 | Trophic Cascade: Data | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Schütz, M. | 2020 | SNP |
28064 | TBT39b Spechte | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
28024 | TBT80 Vögel: Kartenseite 3 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
10239 | Landschnecken SNP-VM, Verbreitungsdaten | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | B.Baur | 2013 | SNP |
8328 | CSI Indicator Environmental Protection Int. Protected Areas, Isère | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27976 | TBT77 Heuschrecken: Zusammensetzung der Heuschrecken-Gemeinschaft Il Fuorn-Minger | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Schütz, M., Haynes, A. G., Spalinger, L. C., Risch, A. | 2012 | SNP |
27910 | TBT27 Totholz: Totholzkategorien Val Müstair | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
6989 | Rohdaten-Raw data Brachypodium | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Krüsi, B., Schütz, M. | 1927 | SNP |
5762 | Observations of Capercaille from the Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
27833 | TBT22 Biodiversität | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
10265 | Bats inventory Swiss National Park - Bats data | Database/Datatable | None | N. Santer | 2013 | SNP |
27915 | TBT65 Sukzession im Wald: Graphiken Kartenseite | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | A. Risch | 2012 | SNP |
5863 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:30000: Gesamter Untersuchungsgegenstand | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
5699 | Pixelkarte 25 Swisstopo 1998 Region SNP: Waldton | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | | 1998 | SNP |
53211 | Artenliste eDNA im Spöl 21.09.2023 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Amt für Natur und Umwelt ANU, Kanton Graubünden | 2023 | SNP |
28027 | TBT80 Vögel: Vogelbeobachtungen alle Gebiete 2009-2011 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Vogelwarte | 2012 | SNP |
5473 | Kartiereinheiten nach LANA (aus: Pilotprojekt automatische Klassierung LB2000: Bodenbedeckung der automatischen Klassierung ) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ / SNP | 2003 | SNP |
27885 | TBT23 Hochjagd: Abschüsse Rothirsch Hochjagd 1997, 1998, 2010, 2011 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Amt für Jagd und Fischerei, GR | 2012 | SNP |
39552 | Vegetation | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Dekoninck, L. | 2007 | SNP |
6985 | Rohdaten verlorene Dauerflächen - Raw Data lost monitoring plots | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Schütz, M. | 1917 | SNP |
27925 | TBT28 Sukzession Alpweiden | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
34938 | Archivdatensatz: Observations of pygmy owls from the Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
28014 | TBT76 Spinnen: Wassergehalt Trupchun | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | A. Schweiger | 2012 | SNP |
53543 | GLORIA SNP, Datenauszug 2002-2022 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Wipf S. et al. | 2023 | SNP |
7321 | Digitizing problems based on the forest map Kurth | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
6078 | GRID of the grassland with different vegetation types | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
8203 | CSI Indicator Infrastructure Classification Table | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
34842 | Archivdatensatz: Location LWF: Monitoring Areas | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kräuchi, N. | 1995 | SNP |
37123 | Hecken Massnahmen | GIS Vector Layer | None | Trifolium, BVM | 2016 | BVM |
33832 | Archivdatensatz: Grid Version of the digitized Vegetaion Map Zoller (Zollerkarte) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Zoller, H. | 0 | SNP |
27965 | TBT86 Wasserinsekten: Zusammensetzung Steinfliegenfauna 2011-2012 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Knispel, S., Lubini, V. | 2012 | SNP |
33936 | Archivdatensatz: HABITALP - Flight lines of the aerial photograph airplane | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2008 | SNP |
8324 | Municipalities, Pilot Region Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
5854 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Laschadura | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
6965 | Location LWF: Monitoring Areas | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kräuchi, N. | 1995 | SNP |
50635 | Formica: Detected Nests | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Morger, A. | 2022 | SNP |
27908 | Waldkarte des Gebietes der Gemeinde Zernez. Beilage zur Flora des Ofengebietes. | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Brunies, S. | 1906 | SNP |
7662 | Spatial distribution of ungulates - All observations | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | SNP | 2011 | SNP |
8146 | CSI Indicator Land Use Planning, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
6086 | Coverage of the main game passes | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
8669 | HABITALP - Mapped habitat areas of the project HABITALP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2008 | SNP |
8484 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Kalköfen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
8483 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Flurnamen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
8489 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Waldbrandstellen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
5612 | Diploma H.Häsler (Gemsen): Beobachtungsdaten | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Helene Häsler | 2001 | SNP |
27900 | TBT25 Baumarten: Hauptbaumarten nach HABITALP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2011 | SNP |
8274 | CSI Indicator Ecological Measures, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
5855 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Lavirun | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
27938 | TBT79 Carex: Dichteverteilung immergrüne Segge Fläche Fe1 Stabelchod | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
6739 | Vegetation composition Grid Stabelchod | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Schütz, M. | 1998 | SNP |
34834 | Archivdatensatz: Location of the observation plots of forest succession by A. Risch | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | A. Risch | 2006 | SNP |
7073 | Dauerbeobachtungsflächen für Brutvögel auf Muottas Champlönch: Standorte | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS SNP | 2009 | SNP |
8147 | CSI Indicator Population, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7475 | CSI Indicator Ecological Measures, Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8202 | CSI Indicator Fragmentation Classification Table | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7481 | CSI Indicator Population, Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
28019 | TBT39i Kreuzotter | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
35665 | Evaluation of stocking rates (Grossvieheinheiten) for ungulates | GIS Vector Layer | None | Rossi, Ch. | 2017 | SNP |
8389 | Pilot Region Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27951 | TBT59 Orchideen | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
7207 | Location UWIWA-Fences or Exclosures | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Abderhalden, W., Kt. Graubünden | 1992 | SNP |
31155 | Ungulate Monitoring Swiss National Park - GPS data 2014 | GIS Vector Layer | None | Schweiger, Anna | 2015 | SNP |
34930 | Archivdatensatz: Potential distribution of song birds (Ornis Project) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 2000 | SNP |
8381 | CSI Indicator Topography, Isère | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
6074 | Ditches on the grassland Stabelchod | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
54707 | Drone DJI M350 Trupchun Borkenkäfer | Aerial Photo | None | Rossi, Ch. | 2024 | SNP |
34811 | Archivdatensatz: Bearded Vulture Monitoring Programme: Location | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 1978 | SNP |
8536 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Flächen mit hist. Holznutzung | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
28041 | TBT39g Steinadler: Horste, Kopulationen, Verteidigungsaktionen gegen Fremdadler | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
27983 | TBT67 Tagfalter: Anzahl Tagfalterarten im SNP und nach Sektoren Pictet | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Gonseth, Y., Cherix, D., Pasche, A. | 2012 | SNP |
6736 | Seedbank grid cells Stabelchod | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Schütz, M. | 2006 | SNP |
8150 | CSI Indicator Cohesion Classification Table | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
35183 | Pilzvorkommen, Fundliste der Begehungen im SNP 2017 | Database/Datatable | None | Fluri, H. | 2017 | SNP |
28050 | TBT39h Falken: Bruten | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
8664 | Ungulates Population 1918 - 1995 | Datafile from Producer | None | Bigler, C. | 1997 | SNP |
34818 | Archivdatensatz: Forstliche Versuchsflächen Burgerflächen: Standorte (points) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bachofen, H. | 1925 | SNP |
34815 | Walddauerbeobachtungsflächen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
7144 | Fotosammlung Waldaufnahme 1957 im SNP: Standorte | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Scheurer, T., Allgöwer, B. | 1957 | SNP |
51807 | Community weighted mean of plant traits - plots | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Rossi, Ch. | 0 | SNP |
34830 | Archivdatensatz: Location Spawn depression mapping | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
27907 | TBT25 Baumarten Kartenseite 3 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
8390 | Subregions, Pilot Region Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
31154 | Ungulate Monitoring Swiss National Park - GPS data 2014 | Database/Datatable | None | Schweiger, Anna | 2015 | SNP |
28059 | TBT39c Steinhuhn und Alpenkrähe | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
27973 | TBT86 Wasserinsekten: Sektoren Aubert | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
43174 | Reddeer | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Anderwald, P. | 2021 | SNP |
6092 | Scans of original Vegetation Map Zoller / Zollerkarte (GDB) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Zoller | 1978 | SNP |
8341 | CSI Indicator Environmental Protection Int. Protected Areas, The southwestern Alps - MercantourAlpi Marittime | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
8805 | Aufnahme Böschungsansaaten Klötzli 2010 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Guesewell, S. | 2010 | SNP |
27841 | TBT22 Biodiversität: Verteilung der Artenvielfalt der Tagfalter in Europa | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kudrna, O., Harpke, A., Lux, K., Pennerstorfer, J. ,Schweiger, O., Settele, J., Wiemers, M. | 2011 | SNP |
8485 | Nationalparkforschung - Vom Kahlschlag zum Naturreservat - Kohlenmeiler | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Parolini, J. D. | 1995 | SNP |
8819 | Expertenmodelle | Database/Datatable | None | Funke, M. | 2012 | SNP |
28075 | TBT39a Hühner: Auerhähne 1940-1949 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
28079 | TBT39b Spechte: Totholz | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
29920 | Habitalp-Kartierung Schweizerischer Nationalpark und Val Müstair | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 2014 | BVM |
7292 | Fish Population Macun: Population 2008 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Rey, P. | 2008 | SNP |
27917 | TBT65 Sukzession im Wald: Daten Abb. 65: Modell der zukünftigen Entwicklung der SNPWälder: Artenzusammensetzung des Jungwuchses | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | A. Risch | 2012 | SNP |
27924 | TBT28 Sukzession Alpweiden: Daten Graphiken Kartenseite: Entwicklung der Artenzahl auf Stabelchod | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Schütz, M., Risch, A. | 2011 | SNP |
39548 | Belowground biomass | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Langenegger, A. | 2004 | SNP |
7577 | Small mammals monitoring data | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Mueller, J. P., diverse | 0 | SNP |
53728 | Ungulates / Huftiere Zählgebiete / Beobachtungspunkte | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 2023 | SNP |
5645 | Observations of black woodpecker from the Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
6701 | Ornis SNP: Originaldaten und Kartierungen 1992 | Database/Datatable | Paperwork | ? | 1992 | SNP |
53933 | GPS data reddeer 2010 to 2021 in the cantons AI, AR, SG, GR, TI, VS and Fürstentum Liechtenstein, Vorarlberg (interval of 3 hours) | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Rempfler, T. | 2022 | SNP |
7293 | Fish Population Macun: Benthos 2005 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Rey, P. | 2005 | SNP |
34924 | Archivdatensatz: Locations Stüssi Flächen, botanische Dauerbeobachtung | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
27768 | TBT9 Vegetationskartierung: Water content Trupchun | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | RSL, Kneubühler, M. | 2012 | SNP |
8138 | Subregions, Pilot Region Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
6080 | Subdivision of the edge of forest | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | E. Leuzinger | 1999 | SNP |
51652 | Walddauerbeobachtungsflächen (Leibundgut / Burger) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2020 | SNP |
7762 | Vegetationstabellen Val Trupchun | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Huwiler, I. | 2009 | SNP |
8229 | Effective Mesh Size 1, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
5861 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Scouleralpen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
30723 | Small mammals monitoring data - yearly data exchange | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Mueller, J. P., diverse, Bündner Naturmuseum | 0 | SNP |
8325 | CSI Indicator Cohesion, Isère | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
5628 | Pixelkarte 25 Swisstopo 1998 Region SNP Waldton Sued binaer 01 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
8143 | CSI Indicator Fragmentation, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27918 | TBT65 Sukzession im Wald | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
27996 | TBT76 Spinnen: Fundorte Pardosa in der Schweiz | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | CSCF | 2012 | SNP |
27966 | TBT86 Wasserinsekten | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
8654 | HABITALP - Feature linked annotations, address of OBJECT ID | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2008 | SNP |
34816 | Archivdatensatz: Walddauerbeobachtungsflächen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
32790 | Makroozoobenthos SNP HYDRA 1996-2015 Probestellen | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | HYDRA, Mürle, U. | 2015 | SNP |
8161 | Data Vegetation observation forest fire area Il Fuorn 1992 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Trepp, W. | 1992 | SNP |
7904 | Data day butterflies SNP 2009 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Pasche, A. | 2009 | SNP |
54397 | Local and regional responses of alpine flora to climate change induced warming | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Romeikat, Corinna Altmiks | 2023 | SNP |
8320 | Edge Density, Isère | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
6705 | Ornis SNP: Originaldaten und Kartierungen 1993 | Database/Datatable | Paperwork | ? | 1993 | SNP |
5847 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Blais | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
6704 | Ornis SNP: Originaldaten und Kartierungen 1994 | Database/Datatable | Paperwork | ? | 1994 | SNP |
5631 | Pixelkarte 25 Swisstopo 1998 Region SNP Waldton Sued binaer 01 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
34262 | Einfluss von Huftieren auf die Entwicklung der Vegetation im Schweizerischen Nationalpark. Eine Untersuchung mit Dauerzäunen | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Mösch, L. | 2016 | SNP |
33939 | Archivdatensatz: HABITALP - Perimeter of mapped areas in the region of Swiss National Park and Val Müstair | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2013 | SNP |
8388 | Effective Mesh Size 2, Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27972 | TBT59 Orchideen: Art und Anzahl Beobachtungen 2010-2012 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | B. Wartmann | 2012 | SNP |
30809 | GEOTag der Artenvielfalt 2013 Biosfera Val Müstair - Artenlisten | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | diverse | 2013 | BVM |
8335 | Pilot Region The southwestern Alps - MercantourAlpi Marittime | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27911 | TBT27 Totholz | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
34831 | Archivdatensatz: Fish Popluation Macun Monitoring Programme: Locations | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2008 | SNP |
6706 | Ornis SNP: Originaldaten und Kartierungen 1991 | Database/Datatable | Paperwork | ? | 1991 | SNP |
7485 | CSI Quality Index, Isère | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
5452 | Vegetation units of the SNP and the neighborhood (Zollerkarte / Vegetation Map Zoller) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 1994 | SNP |
8136 | Monitoring Macun streams, diatoms | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Robinson, C., EAWAG | 2001 | SNP |
7476 | CSI Indicator Environmental Protection Int. Protected Areas, Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
27159 | Wildpunkt All locations | GIS Vector Layer | None | H.Haller | 2013 | SNP |
28067 | TBT39d Schneehase und Alpenschneehuhn | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
7202 | HABITALP - Habitat map of the complete Habitalp region, Swiss National Park and Val Müstair | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss National Park | 2013 | SNP |
41281 | Huftierforschung im Schweizerischen Nationalpark: Karten für Band 93 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | | 2006 | SNP |
8275 | CSI Indicator Edge Density, Rhaetian Triangle | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
34906 | Archivdatensatz: Location: Ornithologische Dauerbeobachtung | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
5620 | Ungulate observations on the wildfire area Il Fuorn: Intensive observation schema | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 1989 | SNP |
27909 | TBT27 Totholz: Totholzkategorien SNP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
28005 | TBT51b Fische: Beprobungsstandorte | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
7804 | Data Soil biology Il Fuorn | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Bader, W. | 1987 | SNP |
28081 | TBT39b Spechte: Nachweise Schwarz- und Dreizehenspecht 1979-2011 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
7532 | Municipalities, Pilot Region Northern Limstone Alps | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
5734 | Hallimasch from Vegetation map Trepp Campell | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
6724 | Datenarchiv LWF-Kernprojekt Bodenmatrix Ersterhebung 19941999 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Kräuchi, Norbert | 2009 | SNP |
28028 | TBT80 Vögel: Beobachtungen Haubenmeise 1998 God la Schera (maximale Dichte) | GIS Vector Layer | None | Vogelwarte | 2012 | SNP |
27923 | TBT28 Sukzession Alpweiden: Bewässerungskanäle Stabelchod | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | D. Achermann | 2000 | SNP |
7839 | LiDAR Campaign 2002 SNP - Multipoints 3D of first pulse data | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Ch.Schmid | 2010 | SNP |
5853 | Vegetationskartierung Alp Costinas | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bruno Koch | | SNP |
6776 | Data Vegetation Species Stabelchod; Vegetationsaufnahmen | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Maggini, R. | 1999 | SNP |