8989 | WSL Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald Schnee und Landschaft | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1885 | PTE |
28660 | Swiss National Park - Schweizerischer Nationalpark - Parc National Suisse - Parc Naziunal Svizzer (GR) - SNP | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1914 | BVM |
8951 | Amt für Wirtschaft und Tourismus Graubünden AWT | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | PTE |
28734 | Stiftung Landschaftsschutz Schweiz - Fondation suisse pour la protection et l'aménagement du paysage | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1970 | BVM |
7768 | University of Munster | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1780 | SNP |
33119 | Biosdfera Val Müstair (GR) - BVM | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | SNP |
51780 | Planet Labs | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2010 | SNP |
8959 | Flury Giuliani GmbH | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2003 | PTE |
7767 | Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | SNP |
50117 | University of Lausanne - Université de Lausanne UNIL: Faculté de biologie et de médecine | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1537 | SNP |
7773 | Zoological Museum, University of Zurich | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1833 | SNP |
8971 | Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1999 | PTE |
28730 | University of Lausanne - Université de Lausanne UNIL: Département d'écologie et évolution | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1537 | BVM |
8940 | Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon (ART) | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2006 | PTE |
49969 | Nationalpark Gesäuse | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2002 | SNP |
40438 | Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubuenden | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1825 | SNP |
8978 | Pro Engiadina Bassa PEB | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2010 | PTE |
7764 | Swiss Ornithological Institute, Vogelwarte Sempach | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1924 | SNP |
28731 | UNESCO World Heritage Swiss Tectonic Arena Sardona | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2008 | BVM |
5781 | Bundesamt für Statistik | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1860 | SNP |
39490 | University of Basel - Universität Basel UniBas: Departement Umweltwissenschaften | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1834 | BVM |
30035 | University of Oldenburg - Universität Oldenburg: IBU - Institut für Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1972 | BVM |
8917 | Stiftung Pro Terra Engiadina PTE | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2009 | PTE |
54079 | Institut des Sciences de lEnvironnement (Université de Genève) | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2009 | SNP |
10562 | Camineo | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | SNP |
8177 | Swiss National Park | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1914 | SNP |
8178 | Department of Environmental Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1987 | SNP |
8952 | Regiosuisse | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2008 | PTE |
43520 | University of Berne - Universität Bern UniBe: Center for Regional Economic Development CRED | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2012 | BVM |
8925 | ZHAW Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2007 | PTE |
4750 | Federal Office of Topography swisstopo | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1838 | NWP |
43519 | University of Berne - Universität Bern UniBe: Institute of Geography | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1886 | BVM |
28722 | Swiss Parks Network - Netzwerk Schweizer Pärke - Réseau des parcs suisses | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2007 | BVM |
30095 | University of Sassari - Università di Sassari: Department of Zoology and evolution genetics | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1562 | SNP |
28733 | Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW: Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2004 | BVM |
8962 | BLW Bundesamt fuer Landwirtschaft | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1882 | PTE |
28723 | Research in Swiss Parks - Parkforschung Schweiz - Recherche des parcs suisses | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2009 | BVM |
8950 | Stiftung Landschaftsschutz | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1970 | PTE |
7765 | Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Chur | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2000 | SNP |
43625 | ETH Zürich - Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1855 | BVM |
8976 | Schweizerische Vogelwarte Sempach | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1924 | PTE |
6521 | EAWAG | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1936 | SNP |
51789 | NASA | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1958 | SNP |
28727 | University of Basel - Universität Basel UniBas: Institut für Natur-, Landschafts- und Umweltschutz (NLU) | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1834 | BVM |
40515 | Zürcher Hochschule der Künste / ZHdK | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1878 | SNP |
7763 | University of Berne - Zoological Institute - Institute of ecology and evolution | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | SNP |
5516 | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1838 | SNP |
8953 | Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2006 | PTE |
5780 | Amt für Landwirtschaft und Geoinformation Kanton Graubünden ALG | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | SNP |
35349 | Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1815 | SNP |
39487 | Berner Fachhochschule - Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften HAFL | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1964 | BVM |
8970 | Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung ARE | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2000 | PTE |
8947 | Netzwerk Schweizer Paerke | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2007 | PTE |
7169 | WSL-Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung SLF | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1942 | SNP |
28732 | UNESCO World Heritage Site Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2007 | BVM |
50338 | Technical University of Munich / TU München | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1968 | PTE |
41461 | IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature / International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1948 | SNP |
29774 | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1855 | SNP |
8956 | HTW Chur, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2000 | PTE |
8923 | Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1855 | PTE |
51783 | European Space Agency ESA | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1975 | SNP |
38709 | Forschungsinstitut für Wildtierkunde und Ökologie - Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien (FIWI) | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1977 | SNP |
33118 | Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | SNP |
38712 | EURAC research | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1992 | SNP |
52590 | University of Berne - Institute of History | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | SNP |
8979 | Swiss National Park SNP | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1914 | PTE |
8886 | Alpine protected areas (ALPARC) | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1995 | SNP |
28728 | ZHAW - Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2007 | BVM |
8974 | Institut für Landschaft und Freiraum ILF HSR | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2006 | PTE |
7086 | Institute of Cartography, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1925 | SNP |
29773 | Institute of Silviculture, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | SNP |
8944 | TESSVM Tourismus Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Mustair AG | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2010 | PTE |
6522 | Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1885 | SNP |
9837 | University of Zurich - Department of Geography | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1833 | BVM |
8973 | Biosfera Val Müstair | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2009 | PTE |
7100 | SMA MeteoSchweiz | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1880 | SNP |
5537 | GIS-Swiss National Park | Organisation/Institution | None | SNP | 1992 | SNP |
7769 | University of Saarbrücken | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1948 | SNP |
41243 | Staatsarchiv Graubünden | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | SNP |
27733 | Eidgenössische Nationalparkkomission ENPK | Organisation/Institution | None | ENPK | 0 | SNP |
5611 | Institute of Zoology, University of Zurich | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1956 | SNP |
28725 | University of Berne - Universität Bern UniBe: Geologisches Institut | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1834 | BVM |
8945 | Plantahof, Landschwirtschaftliches Bildungs- und Beratungszentrum | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1896 | PTE |
43267 | University of Basel - Universität Basel UniBas: Departement Umweltwissenschaften | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1834 | SNP |
7770 | Department of Nature Management, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | SNP |
28726 | Swiss Ornithological Institute - Schweizerische Vogelwarte Sempach | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1924 | BVM |
7771 | School of Life Sciences and Facility Management | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2007 | SNP |
4960 | Biosfera Val Müstair (GR) - BVM | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2010 | BVM |
38863 | Research in Swiss Parks - Parkforschung Schweiz - Recherche des parcs suisses | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2009 | SNP |
7766 | University of Berne - Institute of Geological Sciences | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | SNP |
28724 | WSL - Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1885 | BVM |
8573 | Remote Sensing Laboratories University Zurich (RSL) | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | SNP |
30033 | ZHAW - Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2007 | SNP |
5698 | Department of Geography, University of Zurich | Organisation/Institution | None | | | SNP |
10563 | Parc Ela | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | SNP |
8988 | HAFL Zollikofen | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1967 | PTE |
43619 | OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1972 | BVM |
33120 | Naturpark Beverin | Organisation/Institution | None | | 0 | SNP |
28729 | ABENIS Company - ABENIS AG: Ingenieure und Planer | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1999 | BVM |
8972 | Ernst Basler Partner | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1981 | PTE |
8946 | HIF - Hochalpines Institut Ftan | Organisation/Institution | None | | 2006 | PTE |
54427 | University of Berne - Institute of Geography | Organisation/Institution | None | | 1886 | SNP |